ALERT, JOSEP COSSETANIA, EDICIONS Ref. 9788490344774 Altres llibres de la col·lecció Altres llibres del mateix autor
    Following the footsteps of the Jewish community in Barcelona from the Middle Ages to the present day. What traces did they leave behind? Where in the city did they leave their mark? What is left of the old Jewish quarter, which housed one of the largest Jewish communities in Southern Europe? What ha...
    Ancho: 120 cm Largo: 225 cm Peso: 250 gr
    Sense estoc
    17,90 €
  • Descripció

    • Nº de col·lecció : 3
    • Nº de pàgines : 180
    • Autors : ALERT, JOSEP
    • Idioma : ANGLES
    • Any d'edició : 2016
    • Data d'edició : 01/06/2016
    • ISBN : 978-84-9034-477-4
    Following the footsteps of the Jewish community in Barcelona from the Middle Ages to the present day. What traces did they leave behind? Where in the city did they leave their mark? What is left of the old Jewish quarter, which housed one of the largest Jewish communities in Southern Europe? What happened to the Jews from Barcelona after their expulsion? What is known about those who decided to stay, despite the Spanish Inquisition? When did Judaism recover in the city? When and how did they return to the Catalan capital? What were they fleeing from? The answers to all these questions and many more can be found in this book. You will discover too how many Jewish communities there are; how many Jews from Barcelona were or are famous figures, and the relationship between the Jewish community and prominent locations such as the Palau de la Generalitat, the Llotja de Mar mediaeval stock exchange, the Barceloneta district, Pla de la Boqueria, the Poblenou district, the Sant Antoni Market, the Olympic Stadium, Montjuïc, Estació de França train station and Camp Nou football stadium.

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