ROCA, JOAN LIBROOKS Ref. 9788493891084 Veire d'autres produchs de la meteissa colleccion Veire d'autres produchs del meteis autor
    In this book the three Roca brothers?Joan, Josep and Jordi?offer a direct account of the secrets of a restaurant that has always been known for the free style of its cuisine, its ability to innovate, and the enormous creative effervescence generated in sync by three thinking heads: Joan, in charge o...
    Dimensiones: 240 x 325 x 40 cm Peso: 3000 gr
    89,00 €
  • Descripcion

    • ISBN : 978-84-938910-8-4
    • DataEdicion : 01/04/2013
    • AnEdicion : 2013
    • Idiòma : ANGLES
    • Autores : ROCA, JOAN
    • Reviradors : ACEVEDO, ADRIANA
    • NumeroPaginas : 502
    • Colleccion : COOKING LIBROOKS
    In this book the three Roca brothers?Joan, Josep and Jordi?offer a direct account of the secrets of a restaurant that has always been known for the free style of its cuisine, its ability to innovate, and the enormous creative effervescence generated in sync by three thinking heads: Joan, in charge of savoury food, Jordi with sweets and Josep with wines and the dining room. In 500 pages, the Roca brothers take the reader through their history, philosophy and the techniques they have used in nearly 90 recipes. 16 chapters that answer to the creative lines and inspiration sources that nurture the Roca

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